Is it the reward that you'll get on reaching the finish line? Or is it the satisfaction of finishing first? Is the hope of the light at the end of a really long and dark tunnel? Or is it just your basic survival instinct-- the one that tells you NEVER BACK DOWN?
What keeps you going when going gets tough?
Life is a funny thing. It gives us happiness when we least expect it. It throws us under a truck to teach us lessons we aren't ready to learn at the time. And it gives us a puzzle to solve when we are swamped with other riddles. To say that 'life works in mysterious ways' won't be entirely wrong. Sometimes we understand the grand plan that life has laid out for us. But other times we are totally clueless. The magnanimity of its design, of its plan, of how it connects two mutually exclusive events cannot be fathomed by us. Even so, one question that pops up in my mind is-- why do we face certain circumstances?
Most of us at some point in time have asked ourselves or God an innocent-- 'why me?'. While it is perfectly normal to ask such a question, especially after a period of endless struggles, how many of us have actually bothered to look for an answer? How many of us have actually tried to understand the reason?
Well, let me answer the question for you-- it is because you are ready for the next level. You are ready to unlock the wisdom that will follow your test. You are ready for the next chapter of your life.
Life is a hard taskmaster and it pushes you towards the deeper end of the swimming pool so that you can learn to swim. So that you next time you find yourself in a similar situation, you don't drown. It upgrades your tests when it believes that you are worthy of the reward-- the lesson, the teaching, the knowledge that awaits you at the end of your quiz.
But you must remember one thing-- every test is unique and only you have the potential to answer it because it is your quiz. And unless you get it right, unless you crack the code, unless you learn your lesson, the situation will keep on repeating itself.
It's true that things get messy at times but don't let it stop you. Don't let a heartbreak or misconduct stop you. Treat people better than they treated you, not because they deserve better but because you're a better person who understands and accepts imperfections.
Be a better version of yourself each day and don't let the fear of falling or the fear of failing stop you from being anything less than you are. Keep trying and never give up. Inspire yourself. You never know how many others you might be helping in the process!