Noted American activist Margaret Sanger quoted “A free race
cannot be born of slave mothers”. Indeed its true. For any society to grow and
develop, it’s imperative that all its mothers are educated, respected and
treated well. For any race to survive in the tides of time, it’s vital for its
women to have a voice and be heard. Mankind without women is like a lifeless
tree that has lost its shot to life. Such quintessential is the very existence
of women in this world.
But sadly not everybody agrees with this. And to my dismay,
not everybody believes that women should have an equal say in everything.
Traditionally, our culture teaches us to revere women and believes in
worshipping her in her various forms. But reality narrates a contrasting tale.
In our world, women are treated like objects rather than beings made of flesh
and blood, women are treated like slaves who are meant to be dominated; women
are treated with anything but dignity.
For centuries, women have been burnt alive, forced to live
in dark and dingy crevices of continuance, traded like goods and treated like
cattle. For centuries, a woman has been treated like anything but human. She
has been driven to live in the deepest and darkest corners of hell. And yet when
she leaves her dormant cocoon, she rises like a shining star awaiting its
Past few decades have gradually witnessed a slow change in
the mindset of people. There have been revolutions and movements that to a
larger extent have eliminated the malpractices that have been prevalent since
times together but at the same time uncovered the stark realities of the modern
world. Female foeticide, women trafficking, prostitution, dowry, rapes, sexual
abuse, acid attacks, the list of crimes against women goes on and on.
As a woman of the twenty first century I feel unsafe and
insecure everywhere be it home, office or in a crowd. I feel angry and
disgusted to be a part of the society that I’m living in, one that asks its
women to go all covered and stay indoors instead of teaching its men to respect
women. And yet in these times of trials, it’s not only the men who are
questioning women but also women themselves are raising fingers at each other.
It’s a sorry state of affairs that we the women, instead of standing shoulder
to shoulder are becoming the reason for each other’s doomed fate. We, instead
of being each other’s support system are becoming the reason for each other’s
We, instead of freeing each other are encaging each other. It
pains me to see where we are heading towards.
I’m a woman and I’m proud to be so. I cherish my being and I
value my existence. I have the equal right to every single thing in this world.
I am the life force in every being. I am a part of the mother supreme. I am the
determination behind every being and no one has the right to question my very
existence. I am supreme, serene and I am complete.
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